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Earn money online by writing articles

Now a days writing articles and content writing is one of the most famous and best earning method of making money online.The importance of skillful writing  has most certainly become more apparent now a days.Well written speeches,tv shows ,advertisements and blog posts can be invaluable to businesses.No matter what kind of writing you want to do there is a write excuse me right way to go about becoming a professional writer.There are thousands of people earning money with their writing skills.if You are a  professional writer and you have got writing skills put them to work.i am not saying that becoming a professional paid writer is easy . at some point you are going to sit down and type thousands of original words but it is achievable.All you need to know is how to take a start and how to become a successful professional writer by following required steps.  You can earn enough with your writing skills.There are plenty of ways to get paid for your writing. so how can you start making money with your writing skills?

How can you get started as a beginning writer? in this article you will find the steps and ways of earning money with writing skills.

People commonly take these steps to become professional writers.


The first thing about writing is to make sure that you actually like writing. If you don't then definitely you are wasting your money and time. Take time to write journal and ask yourself if you could do this day in and day out for a living.

2.Build your portfolio.

Building a portfolio means that your portfolio shows potential employers the kind of work and results you produce.always focus on writing good content and make your employer happy.

3. Decide Your writing Niche or Topic.

Choose your writing niche Focus on your writing area.Decide what kind of writer you want to be.You can write essay, magazine articles ,technology article,blog articles,sports article ,article on movies,kids,women,society , anything you like the most and anything you are best at.

Now the next step for you is where to start from? what are the ways of making money online with your own written articles .so let's start..

1.Start a blog

Every writer needs a blog. it is one of the best places for you to develop both your style and audience.All you need to do is choose a niche, create a blog, write healthy content and gain some audience. Then apply for google adsense and some other alternatives of google adsense . Put ads in your blog and start earning money or create a donate button in your blog and let people donate you money and also add the button or page of 'hire me'  so that anyone can hire you for content writing and start getting paid.

2. Guest Posts

Guest posts is another way of getting paid online.A  lot of websites and blogs accept guest posts, and a lot of them pay for those guest posts.all you need to do is wait for a blogger to approach you and ask you to write a guest post for his/her blog. write a post for the blog and get paid in return.

3.Sell your work online

If you know what is free lancing (Check This Article about Freelancing) then one of the most demanded job on freelancing websites is writing articles and content.There are a lot of freelancing websites offers writing jobs. Such as freelancers,upwork , and many others. Just sign up on any website ,find yourself a job ,apply for it and wait for the approval to start making money online with your writing skills.

4.Self-publish your book

Amazon kindle direct publishing is ready to help you make money of your novel or travelogue or collection of humorous essays.upload your book, get it kindle-ready ,tell your audience and other people about it and start selling your book on amazon.

These are some of the ideas and methods of making money online with your writing skills, plus There are more ways too just like signup with content sites, become a copywriter, writing contest, write fan fiction and some other revenue sharing websites.use these ideas and start earning money online.Remember , we all started as beginners but the more you write the faster you will level up and become a professional writer.

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